By Nisha Chettri (TNI Kalimpong) ~ Edited By R. Subrata (TNI Siliguri)

Webdesk, TNI Kalimpong, 18th August, 2015: The annual general meeting of Darjeeling Karate-do –association was held in SUMI, B.K Subba memorial hall today at Kalimpong. Many important strategies like organizing 1st All India Karate championship in December and 2nd Darjeeling District Karate championship in September were discussed in the meeting. Executive members and the portfolios of the organization were also shuffled today where P.R Pradhan (the former principal of SUMI) was decided to be the Advisor, Zion Lepcha (Vice chairman, Municipality) President, Sushan Thapa chief coach as well as secretary and Dawa Lama (President  of Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Sports Association) Honorary president. After the meeting talking to the press Mr. Zion Lepcha, the president of the organization said “We will organize 1st All India Karate championship in December and invite other states and have also decided to organize 2nd Darjeeling District Karate championship in September here”.

Photo: Nisha Chettri (TNI)

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